To access our service you need to be:
- 18+ years & based in the UK
- Able to commit to weekly online sessions at the same time and day
- Able to pay your session fees by debit or credit card, or support from someone who can do this on your behalf
- We do not currently offer group or couples counselling
Our service is not able to accept clients with:
- Actively (or recently) suicidal
- Current psychosis
- Severe eating disorders
- Diagnosed personality disorders
- Extreme trauma or abuse
Initial Assessment
To access the service, you first need to book an initial assessment with one of our qualified counsellors. We ask for a £15 contribution towards the cost of your assessment, which will take place via Google Meet and last for 30 minutes.
The assessment is not something to worry about. It is a relaxed discussion and we will ask you some questions about your previous experiences, like the ones we’ve included at the bottom of this page. It is an opportunity for you to help us get a better understanding of your needs before we allocate you a counsellor.
Although the assessment is conducted by a qualified counsellor, please remember that it is not designed to be a counselling session. We ask that you are as open as possible while also remembering to keep yourself emotionally safe during the process.
The following are some of the types of questions we may ask you during your assessment:
- How are you feeling?
- What support do you currently have to help you cope?
- Have you had counselling before? If so, what did you find useful/unhelpful?
- How would you describe your appetite and quality of sleep?
- Are you taking any medication?
- Do you have thoughts of harming yourself?
- What are you looking for and hoping to gain from counselling?
- What days and times are you available for your weekly counselling session?
Getting Started...
Following your assessment, you’ll receive a Counselling Agreement by email to read through and sign digitally when you are happy to proceed.
We aim to allocate and introduce you to your counsellor within a week of receiving your signed agreement, however this can take a little longer depending on the availability of our counsellors and your individual requirements.
Once we have been able to allocate your therapist, we will email you to introduce them and your counsellor will contact you to offer some suitable sessions times to choose from, based on the availability you gave us during your assessment.
You will receive a text and email confirmation to let you know your repeat appointment has been setup. Payment for your counselling sessions will be processed weekly in advance, except where you have given us notice of any holidays or cancellations, and you’ll receive a receipt by email for each session.
If you have difficulty forming a good connection with your counsellor, or you have any concerns, we encourage you to discuss this directly with your therapist to explore what is, or isn’t, working for you. If you decide you are not able to continue work together, we will allocate you a new therapist, subject to the availability of a suitable alternative counsellor.
We have a duty of care to our clients and counsellors to provide a safe and ethical service. As counsellors, it is also an ethical requirement for us to work within our areas and levels of competence. As most of our therapists are trainees on clinical placement, we are not able to offer counselling to clients with severe and complex presentations.
If the Affordable Counselling Network is not suitable for your counselling needs, there are other sources to find a counsellor, including BACP, NCPS or the Counselling Directory.
If you are in crisis and need immediate help, you can go to your nearest Accident & Emergency unit. There are also 24/7 emergency support services you can access by phone, online or text.
We have links to some Crisis services on our Emergency Contacts page, including for children and under 18’s: